Practical information
School hours
The school is open from 8am to 4pm on weekdays, except Fridays when it closes at 3pm.
The office is open from 8am to 3pm.
School phone number: 411-7470
The phone line is closed during lunch between 12pm and 12:30pm.
School email address:
School website:
Fruit is offered during snack times.
The school emphasizes physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Sports are divided into three categories: indoor sports, outdoor games/sports, and swimming. Upper primary school students attend sports and swimming classes, with various electives focusing on these areas.
Phone use
Ölduselsskóli is a phone-free school. Students do not use phones during school hours without special permission from teachers. This frees students from smartphone distractions, preventing loss of concentration.
Absence notifications
Absence notifications (illness, leave): It's best to communicate through Mentor and
or by calling 411-7470